Street walking



Living in SB has me thinking differently.  

As Instagram continues to fall apart we need to focus on driving interest back to our personal sites. The access that these platforms provide is immense and immediate but we are starting to see the downside. Twitter vs. the typewriter in one form and the print vs. the post in another. As we evolve as artists, new interpretations of how technology can help will be formed.




Man, yesterday was a whirlwind. I didn't eat right and kinda fucked myself for dinner, but I took today off and rested up. All I can say is that in my limited experience, upper Manhattan is boring. But Chelsea and The Meat Packing District are pretty cool. Very hip indeed, although I just realized I don't have the kind of income to live in this city the way I would want!

I must say that there is something inherently charming about the juxtaposition of the well dressed and the dirt of the city. THIS IS A METROPOLIS



20140308-174244.jpgToday was so NY. I walked from the hotel to Harlem and then over to The Upper West Side and down toward The High Line. It felt so neurotic walking to nowhere, but I had fun. The Garment District has a lot of "dressers" which makes total sense, I'm kinda mad I didn't stop anyone for a portrait. I don't think I am eating enough and get a little weird around 3. SOMETHING TO WORK ON
